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While we have taken reasonable steps to ensure the information on our website is accurate, current, available and complete, this information has been provided in good faith on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. We do not make any representation or warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied, as to the reliability of the information.
The material published on this website is intended to provide an overview of the NAIF and to deliver high level information in relation to NAIF’s processes and governance frameworks. The information provided on this website should not be relied upon to solely determine eligibility for investment proposal funding.
By entering the website, you will be deemed to have released and discharged the NAIF from all liability in respect of any loss suffered as a result of relying on the information on this website, including liability in respect of any defamatory material on any database or in respect of any dealings with any work (including software) in which you hold any copyright or other intellectual property right.
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Requests for links should be directed to naif@naif.gov.au.