CQU Capex Project - Indigenous Outcomes Progress Report September 2021
Learn about CQUniversity Australia's Indigenous Engagement Strategy summary, including asset maintenance, campus upgrades, and digital platform construction.

CQUniversity has been delivering on commitments under its Indigenous Engagement Strategy including the appointment of a First Nations Employment Coordinator within the Office of People and Culture and establishing a Working Group to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan.
CQUniversity are implementing several strategies to increase procurement interactions with First Nations Businesses and have developed a directory of information, resources and an Indigenous supplier register. CQUniversity has contracted over $336,000 with First Nations Businesses from December 2020 – June 2021.
Significant First Nations strategy work has also been progressed across the University’s operations with the approval and implementation of the First Nations Workforce Strategy and near completion of the First Nations Industry Engagement Strategy and the First Nations Community Hub Model and framework. Further work in 2021 will lead to the finalisation of the First Nations Education Strategy with the First Nations Cultural Competency framework to be developed in 2021 and launched in 2022.
First Nations Council of Elders and Leaders meetings have been held with a research project underway to assess the feasibility of introducing a second Council of Elders and Leaders across the University’s Queensland footprint. The University Council provided guidance on key policies and strategies including the Confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Identity protocol and Engaging with First Nations Peoples protocol.
CQUniversity launched an online First Nations Cultural Competency induction program for staff in May 2020 – the course is compulsory for permanent staff and optional for casual staff. It offers an introduction to the history, culture and contemporary issues facing First Nations People in Australia. It explores the diversity of Indigenous Australian cultures and language groups and aims to help staff develop a culturally safe and competent workplace and learning environment for students. The course supports CQUniversity staff to better engage with First Nations colleagues and students and equips non-Indigenous staff with the knowledge and skills to engage with Indigenous-led organisations and communities. As of June 2021, more than 75 percent of staff completed the training with very positive feedback received. A student version of the online First Nations Cross Cultural Competency Program has also been developed and will be launched later this year.