Kalium Lakes Beyondie SOP - IES Summary December 2020
Project: Beyondie Sulphate of Potash Project

Kalium Lakes (KLL) continue to deliver solid outcomes for the Gingirana and Birriliburu peoples through their Indigenous Engagement Strategy (IES) by providing project updates at regular meetings, investing in the Wiluna Remote Community School Training Centre and supporting the on-country Gingirana ranger trip in September.
The rangers focussed on feral animal control, scoped out village landscaping, sewerage sprinkler and fencing repair works and undertook weed removal at camp.
In consultation with the local Traditional Owners, KLL has implemented a Small Project Program, whereby members of the Gingirana and Birriliburu communities are invited to express an interest in being involved in and tendering for small projects associated with the BSOPP. A number of Scope of Works have been issued under the SPP to date, with some discussions underway.
The intention is to include projects that also align with care for country and Aboriginal Ranger initiatives such as rehabilitation, landscaping and fire management, along with other project-related activities, including; the installation of a viewing platform behind the administration facilities, production bore fencing and bore maintenance, along with other progressively added opportunities as they are identified and become available.
Gingirana Ranger, Barry Hill, undertaking fence repairs at the Beyondie Sulphate of Potash Project.
“Kalium Lakes recognises the importance of country, law and culture to the Traditional Owners of the land in which they operate. Through developing and implementing an Indigenous Engagement Strategy, Kalium Lakes is committed to engaging with and fostering relationships with Indigenous People that are inclusive, respectful and make a lasting and positive contribution.”
2019/2020 Consolidated Annual Report, Kalium Lakes Limited