NAIF project updates: investing for impact across northern Australia
Projects supported by the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) are continuing to drive economic activity and job creation across northern Australia.

NAIF’s publicly announced investment decisions now stand at $2.8 billion (excluding decisions currently being considered by the Minister through the non veto phase), supporting projects with an estimated total capital value of $5.26 billion, and forecast to:
- generate around $8.8 billion in economic benefit, and
- support around 9,000 jobs.
Construction Progress of Selected NAIF funded projects
Kalium Lakes Beyondie SOP project (WA): construction 80% complete (as per company ASX announcement 28 January 2021). NAIF loan $74m, drawn $53m.
NQ Cowboys community training centre (QLD) (February 2021). NAIF loan $20m, drawn $15m.
Signature Onfarm beef processing facility (QLD): construction underway. NAIF loan $24m, drawn $4m.
James Cook University, Townsville, student accommodation (QLD): NAIF loan $46m, undrawn.
Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Education and Community Precinct (NT): NAIF loan 151.5m, undrawn.