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- Governance
- Governance Policies
Governance Policies
NAIF's governance policies ensure public interest by balancing public sector accountabilities with investment mandates.

Fit-for-purpose policies have been developed to ensure that NAIF operates in the public interest by balancing its public sector accountabilities with its investment mandate. This includes a core suite of governance charters, policies and frameworks.
AI Transparency Statement
NAIF is committed to responsible and transparent use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) technologies to enhance workplace productivity. This transparency statement is prepared in accordance with the Standard for AI transparency statements (v1.1) published by the Digital Transformation Agency.
Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) Program
NAIF is a reporting entity under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act). We have an independently reviewed AML/CTF program aimed at identifying and managing money laundering and terrorism financing risks. The AML/CTF program includes a framework for reporting suspicious matters to AUSTRAC together with comprehensive ‘know your customer’ procedures and ongoing customer due diligence and transaction monitoring procedures.
Board Charter
The Board Charter sets out the structure, function, duties and responsibilities of the NAIF Board and the duties and responsibilities of management.
Board Audit and Risk Committee (BARC) Charter
The BARC describes the duties and responsibilities of the BARC in exercising its primary functions including financial reporting, performance reporting, risk management and oversight and the internal control environment.
Board Audit and Risk Committee (BARC) Charter
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct outlines the obligations and responsibilities of NAIF’s employees in relation to general duties, use of information and personal behaviour. Our employees are required to comply with the Code of Conduct with sanctions in place in the event of a breach.
Complaint Handling Policy
We value feedback and are committed to an effective complaints-handling process that reflects the needs, expectations, and rights of all complainants. The objective of NAIF’s Complaint Handling Policy is to ensure that NAIF has a structured process for responding to, recording and reporting complaints.
Compliance Management Framework
Details NAIF’s approach to compliance management including compliance obligation identification, analysis, management, monitoring and reporting.
Conflicts of Interest Policy
This policy sets out NAIF’s approach to the effective identification and management of potential, perceived and actual conflicts of interest that affect it, its employees, Board members and its Service Providers.
Environment and Social Review of Transactions Policy
Provides a framework to guide the NAIF Executive in assisting the Board in making Investment Decisions and the Board in discharging its functions in relation to the assessment of a proposed project’s environmental and social and related project governance risks.
Environment and Social Review of Transactions Policy
Equal Employment Opportunity Annual Program Report
Committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce, our organisation adheres to the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity to ensure fair treatment and career advancement for all employees.
Equal Employment Opportunity Annual Program Report
Freedom of Information Policy
Sets out the approach to, and management of, access to information including how NAIF will comply with its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).
People and Remuneration Committee (PRemCo) Charter
The Charter sets out the role, responsibilities and composition of the NAIF People and Remuneration Committee.
Privacy Policy
NAIF’s Privacy Policy describes how NAIF collects, uses and discloses personal information and implements the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Act) and any rules, regulations or principles made under that Act. NAIF complies with the Privacy Code (Australian Government Agencies — Governance) APP Code 2017 (Privacy Code).
NAIF’s register of completed Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) is updated on a 6-month basis.
Procurement Policy
The Procurement Policy establishes NAIF’s core procurement principles, including value for money, and efficient, effective, economical, and ethical procurement. Aligning with NAIF’s purpose, there is a focus on procuring from northern Australia and supporting indigenous suppliers.
Public Interest Disclosure Policy
The Public Interest Disclosure Act (PID Act) promotes integrity within the Commonwealth public sector by providing a framework for Commonwealth officials to disclose suspected wrongdoing and for agencies to investigate and respond to such disclosures. This Policy applies to all public officials under the PID Act and includes all current and former employees of the NAIF as well as NAIF Directors.
Public Interest Disclosure Policy
Risk Management Policy and Framework
NAIF’s approach to risk management aligns with the International Standard for Risk Management, (ISO31000), the requirements of the NAIF Act and Commonwealth Risk Management Policy. The consistent approach to risk oversight, management, and internal controls is designed to support NAIF in the achievement of its strategic business imperatives.
NAIF considers risk management an enabler to seize opportunities to achieve our purpose and strategic business imperatives. Risk Management is seen as an organisation-wide responsibility. Effective and sound risk management practices are integral across all aspects of NAIF operations.
NAIF’s quarterly Risk Management and Compliance Report (RMAC Report) provides ongoing monitoring and reporting of NAIF’s Key Enterprise Risks (KERs).