- Our Organisation
- ...
- Governance
- Information Publication Scheme Plan
Our Organisation
Information Publication Scheme Plan
Our Information Publication Scheme (IPS) Plan outlines how IPS information is managed, published, and made accessible in compliance with the FOI Act 1982.

NAIF’s Information Publication Scheme (IPS) Plan shows:
- what information NAIF publishes;
- how the information is published; and
- how NAIF otherwise comply with the IPS requirements under section 8(1) of the FOI Act 1982
In this Plan information published or to be published by NAIF under the IPS is referred to as “IPS information holding”.
NAIF’s objectives in relation to this Plan are to outline appropriate mechanisms and procedures to:
- manage the IPS information holdings relevant to NAIF’s compliance with the IPS
- proactively identify and publish all information legally required to be published, including this Plan, in accordance with section 8(2) of the FOI Act
- proactively identify and where practicable publish optional information, in accordance with section 8(4)
- review on a regular basis and ensure that IPS information holdings are accurate up-to-date and complete
- make arrangements so that information published under the IPS is easy to locate, understandable, machine-readable and re-useable
- make arrangements so that the format of online content complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2); and
- monitor and access NAIF’s compliance with the IPS and this Plan.
Implementing the IPS
NAIF’s approach to developing its IPS contribution is:
- NAIF’s Freedom of Information Officer is responsible for leading its work on the NAIF’s compliance with the IPS;
- NAIF has developed an IPS information register required to be published under the IPS and a ‘disclosure log’ of information released in response to FOI requests;
- the IPS information register is reviewed periodically to identify any IPS information holdings and ensure that the information is up-to-date and complete;
- NAIF takes a similar approach in relation to the identification of information that may be published under section 8(4) (optional information) and information that is made available to the public otherwise than by publication (section 8A(2) (third party publication). The IPS section of our website provides links to the IPS information holdings published on our website;
- In our reviews, NAIF will consider whether IPS information holdings are easy to locate, understandable, machine-readable, accessible and useable, as well as accurate, up-to-date and complete; and
- NAIF will also consider comments and feedback from our stakeholders (including the public) when determining whether IPS information holdings are easy to locate, understandable, machine-readable, accessible and useable, as well as accurate, up-to-date and complete.
Administering information published under the IPS
NAIF has developed an information management framework for IPS information holdings including:
- identifying on an ongoing basis any information that is required to be published;
- identifying on an ongoing basis any information that may be published;
- identifying on an ongoing basis any information that is already otherwise available to the public;
- making arrangements so that IPS information holdings continue to be easy to locate, accessible and useable, as well as accurate and up-to-date; and
- making arrangements to publish information about any charges to be imposed for providing IPS information, including how those charges will be calculated.
NAIF’s Freedom of Information Officer is responsible for implementing, reviewing and revising this Plan.
Each relevant business unit of NAIF is responsible for keeping IPS information holdings accurate, up-to-date and complete.
NAIF does not impose access charges for its IPS information holdings. If this changes, NAIF will update this Plan to provide details of how the NAIF will impose access charges and how they will be calculated.
The NAIF may engage in public consultation in relation to policies that form part of NAIF’s IPS information holdings.
IPS information architecture
NAIF publishes the information required under the IPS in the IPS section or other sections of its website. If the information is not available for download, it will be made available in hard copy on request. Details of how this information can be obtained from NAIF are provided on this website.
To make arrangements so that IPS information holdings are easy to locate, understandable and machine-readable, NAIF will:
- wherever possible, provides online content in a format that can be searched, copied and transformed;
- provides a search function for its website; and
- seeks and responds to community feedback about whether the IPS information is easy to locate, understandable and machine-readable.
NAIF publishes IPS information holdings in English.
The IPS information holdings that are available on our website are published under the following headings:
- Agency Plan
- Our Organisation
- How we invest
- NAIF Board
- Our Responses to Parliament
- Our Annual Reports
- Routinely requested information and disclosure log
- Consultation arrangements and
- Contact us.
These headings are reviewed and supplemented as necessary if NAIF’s structure or business changes or on any annual review of this Plan.
Accessibility under the IPS
NAIF implements the World Wide Web Consortium Standards and Web Accessibility Initiative Guidelines for accessible web page design by people with disabilities.
NAIF meets the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 (“WCAG 2.0”) web standard endorsed by the Australian Government for all online information it is required to publish under the IPS and any new documents to be published in the IPS section.
Where a document is not yet available in an accessible format, it will be made available in an accessible format on request by contacting NAIF’s Chief Executive Officer. Those requests may be subject to a small number of exceptions including:
- PDFs made of images of scanned documents;
- documents that are out of date but are provided for historical reference; and
- charts, tables and forms.
Information required to be published under the IPS
We will publish information in accordance with section 8(2) under the following headings:
- Agency Plan:
The Agency Plan is this plan. - Our Organisation:
This includes an organisational chart and information about our Board, including statutory appointments. - Our Projects:
This outlines NAIF’s functions and decision-making powers. We also publish other helpful and relevant information relating to these functions and powers. This includes NAIF’s operational information to the extent that information is not considered to be exempt (see note below). - NAIF board:
This includes information about our corporate governance structure, board, its charter and board audit committee. - Our Responses to Parliament:
The NAIF does not routinely provide information to Parliament but this heading will be established to contain any information which may fall within that category. - Our Annual Reports:
This will include the full text of NAIF’s Annual Reports prepared in accordance with the Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act 2015 (Cth). - Routinely requested information and disclosure log:
This will include information, if any, routinely made accessible in response to FOI requests. We also publish a disclosure log which will identify documents to which NAIF has given access under the FOI Act. - Consultation arrangements:
Where NAIF undertakes or is required to undertake public consultation on a policy, it will make available information on the procedure for public submissions. - Contact:
This includes the name, telephone number and email address of the Chief Executive Officer who can be contacted about access to NAIF’s IPS information holdings or to whom a request under the FOI Act can be made.
In accordance with section 8C of the FOI Act, we will not publish any exempt matter.
Other information to be published under the IPS
In addition to the information that NAIF already publish on its website, NAIF will publish, such other optional information in accordance with section 8(4).
IPS compliance review
NAIF will undertake, in conjunction with the Information Commissioner, a first review of the operation of the NAIF’s IPS contribution within the timeframes set out in section 9(2).
Following this first review, we will undertake, in conjunction with the Information Commissioner, a review of the operation of NAIF’s IPS contribution as appropriate from time to time and in any case – within five years after the last review was completed.
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