Kimberley Cotton Gin Project
Discover how NAIF's funding is driving the establishment of a cutting-edge cotton gin facility in Kununurra, Kimberley. This collaboration between key stakeholders promises economic growth, job creation, and indigenous engagement.
August 2021
Agriculture & Water
Kununurra, WA

NAIF has reached contractual close on a $34 million loan to support a new cotton processing facility in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
About the Kimberley Cotton Company
In April 2021, the Kimberley Cotton Company was formed – a partnership between the Ord River District Cooperative, Kimberley Agricultural Investment, and Miriuwung Gajerrong Corporation.
The company was established to lead the construction and operation of a Kununurra cotton processing facility that will make cotton an economically feasible broadacre crop in the region.
Project overview
The Ord River District Cooperative, Kimberley Agricultural Investment and the Miriuwung Gajerrong Corporation are working collaboratively to build the gin and establish a viable cotton- growing industry in the Kimberley region.
NAIF’s loan will help construct the facility, which will comprise a two-stand gin module and ancillary infrastructure.
How we helped
NAIF’S loan will diversify the economy and help establish a new cotton growing industry in northern Australia worth an estimated $925 million.
Public impact
The cotton gin will create around 61 jobs in total with 30 direct jobs during construction, up to 31 direct ongoing jobs when operational, as well as many indirect business and employment opportunities.
The development of the gin will remove the need to transport unprocessed cotton interstate.
Overall, the project is forecast to yield significant public benefits of up to $248 million over 20 years.
The project is also expected to bring transformational benefits to northern Australia, particularly in the Ord River Irrigation Area and the western top-end region of the NT.
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Indigenous Commitments
10% (during construction and operation)
Indigenous Engagement
- The Miriuwung Gajerrong People
The Miriuwung Gajerrong People are the original inhabitants of the land at which Kimberley Cotton Company Cotton Gin resides.
Indigenous Engagement Strategy Commitments
- The Kimberley Cotton Company IES satisfactorily meets the IES Mandatory Criterion under the NAIF Investment Mandate with outcomes across Indigenous participation, procurement, and employment appropriate to the nature and scale of the project and the quantum of the NAIF loan.
- This includes a 10% direct and indirect Indigenous employment target across construction and operation phases of the Project.