

The Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility is focused on driving economic activity and job creation in northern Australia.

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Indian Ocean Territories
  1. Our Investments
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  3. Indian Ocean Territories

Explore the unique economies of Christmas Island and Cocos Islands, driven by government services, tourism, and a transitioning mining sector. Learn how NAIF contributes to their sustainability.

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Public Benefit Guideline
  1. Our Investments
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  3. Public Benefit Guideline

All NAIF-funded projects are required to produce benefits to the broader economy and community beyond an economic return to the Project Proponent.

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Definitions associated with Public Benefit Guideline

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Indigenous Outcomes
  1. Our Investments
  2. Indigenous Outcomes

Our Indigenous Engagement Strategy ensures equitable and sustainable development opportunities for Indigenous Australians.

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Indigenous Engagement Strategy Reporting
  1. Our Investments
  2. ...
  3. Indigenous Engagement Strategy Reporting

Explore how NAIF's Indigenous Engagement Strategy (IES) fosters participation, procurement, and employment opportunities for Indigenous communities. Learn about the IES Guidelines, reporting requirements, and the impact on NAIF-financed projects.

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Indigenous Engagement Strategy Guideline
  1. Our Investments
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  3. Indigenous Engagement Strategy Guideline

Learn how to develop and implement a culturally appropriate Indigenous Engagement Strategy with NAIF's guidelines.

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Indigenous Engagement Strategy Toolkit
  1. Our Investments
  2. ...
  3. Indigenous Engagement Strategy Toolkit

Develop culturally appropriate Indigenous Engagement Strategies with our toolkit and learn how to set commitments and engage with key stakeholders.

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Learn about eligibility, funding options, and the impact on local communities.

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JCU - Student Halls of Residence (Burralga Yumba)
  1. Our Projects
  2. JCU - Student Halls of Residence (Burralga Yumba)

The second NAIF loan helped develop new Halls of Residence on the JCU Townsville Campus. The project consisted of a seven-storey facility to house 425 students.

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Humpty Doo Barramundi - Farm Expansion Project
  1. Our Projects
  2. Humpty Doo Barramundi - Farm Expansion Project

NAIF finance assisted in the recognition of northern Australia as a leading supplier of premium saltwater farmed barramundi. (Investment Decision 3 May 2018 and 10 September 2020)

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Heritage Minerals - Mount Morgan Tailings Processing and Rehabilitation Project
  1. Our Projects
  2. Heritage Minerals - Mount Morgan Tailings Processing and Rehabilitation Project

Discover how Heritage Minerals is revitalising the historic Mount Morgan site with a $66 million NAIF loan, transforming old tailings into valuable resources and contributing $849 million in public benefits to Northern Australia.

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Displaying 25-36 of 251